Curriculum Vitae 

  • writer


    My degree from Penn State is in Creative Writing and I started my career as a technical writer. I worked for a small interactive training company founded by Professor Philip Minter. We created training programs for automotive, industrial and pharmaceutical customers.

  • film maker


    I ran my own film production company for several years. I learned my trade from two artists, Paul Buck and Art Ciocco -- The Visionaries -- and loved every minute of what I did. Then the bottom dropped out of the market.

  • programmer


    I taught myself to code as the Internet evolved: HTML, ColdFusion, C#, JavaScript, Transact SQL. I built one of the first online Yellow Pages and even won some industry awards.

  • writer


    From technical documentation to interactive fiction, writing has been my passion all my life. I started out in Chemical Engineering at Penn Sate, but graduated with a degree in Creative Writing. I have never regreted it.

  • film maker


    Making films has been one of the most totally engaging activities of my life. Your mind works on many things at once and you watch the product come to life on the screen. It's like being a wizard. I love it.

  • programmer


    How can I explain the thrill of coding? You build up this construct in your head and write out line afer line of instructions to make it happen. And then it works! And then it breaks and you have to debug and error trap. That's it.

  • writer


    My degree from Penn State is in Creative Writing and I started my career as a technical writer. I worked for a small interactive training company founded by Professor Philip Minter. We created training programs for automotive, industrial and pharmaceutical customers.

  • film maker


    I ran my own film production company for several years. I learned my trade from two artists, Paul Buck and Art Ciocco -- The Visionaries -- and loved every minute of what I did. Then the bottom dropped out of the market.

  • programmer


    I taught myself to code as the Internet evolved: HTML, ColdFusion, C#, JavaScript, Transact SQL. I built one of the first online Yellow Pages and even won some industry awards.

  • writer


    From technical documentation to interactive fiction, writing has been my passion all my life. I started out in Chemical Engineering at Penn Sate, but graduated with a degree in Creative Writing. I have never regreted it.

  • film maker


    Making films has been one of the most totally engaging activities of my life. Your mind works on many things at once and you watch the product come to life on the screen. It's like being a wizard. I love it.

  • programmer


    How can I explain the thrill of coding? You build up this construct in your head and write out line afer line of instructions to make it happen. And then it works! And then it breaks and you have to debug and error trap. That's it.



It seems there aren't many of us that can understand technology and write readable sentences that explain what needs to be done to the rest of us.

I didn't get paid as much as a chemical engineer would have earned, but I think I was much happier and have never regretted my sudden change in direction.

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film maker

Everything about film making is the most exciting, creative stuff I have ever done.

Technical Training Systems was my pride and joy. I worked hard.

We created some excellent videos. We even won a handful of industry awards.

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I built my first web page in 1996. By 1998 I had built one of the very first online yellow page directories for AT&T: The National Tollfree Directory.

In 1999 and 2000 my yellow pages web sites for The Community Phonebook won gold medals in just about every technical category the YPPA defined.

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